Dry Dredgers Field Trip
October 28, 2006
Ohio Richmondian Site

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Fossils Found That Day

Perhaps the most interesting find that day was this unusual example of what appears to be the trace fossil, Catellocaula vellata. (Next two pictures.) In this case, the strange epizoan animal, which makes geometric holes in rows, was found on a clam. The surface of the clam appears to have been preserved by bryozoans. For more information on Catellocaula vellata, see the information by Ron Fine at xfossils.com/onfile3.htm#Catellocaula.

By far the most common fossil found that day were horn coral. The majority of these were the large Grewingkia. Here's a shot showing just the ones I found at the site.

Grewingkia horn coral are solitary corals, but they were so densely populated, I found a case where the two Grewingkia "appear" to be attached to the same object. Not so, if you look closely, though. 

Here's a typical handful of fossils from this site. Gastropods, Corals and Bryozoans.

As is true throughout the Cincinnatian, Bryozoans are abundant. Here's some of the ones we found.

A few Cephalopods were found. They were pretty weathered.

A few internal molds of bivalves were also found. This one has surface features, which help in identifying it. But I still could not be sure of the genera. It may be a Caritodens.

 Here are a couple of Ambonychia, another bivalve that often has surface features.

Next Page: More Fossils Found

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Page 1: What Happened and Fossil Collecting
Page 2: Fossils Found Part 1

Page 3: Fossils Found Part 2

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