Dry Dredgers Field Trip
April 23, 2005
Maysville, KY

Page 2: Fossils Found: Brachiopods and Bivalves

Collecting was a bit muddy and water collected on eye glasses (and camera lens), but specimens sat on top of the mud, freshly exposed and easy to extract.

Color was also in our favor. There were some HUGE spreads of the small brachiopod, Zygospira, covering large areas, just waiting to be picked up. 

Higher up on the hill, it was less muddy, as it transitioned into the rubbly Bellevue Formation. The larger brachiopod, Vinlandostrophia becomes abundant (One found that day is shown below).

There is also a layer in the Fairview Formation loaded with Strophomena brachiopods. Except for this layer, the Strophomena normally don't appear until much higher up in the Cincinnatian strata.

Pelecypods were also abundant. Here's an external mold of a clam that is an unusual red color, screaming to be found.

Next Page: More Fossils Found: Bryozoans

T A B L E   O F    C O N T E N T S

Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Fossils Found: Brachiopods and Bivalves

Page 3: Fossils Found: Bryozoans

Page 4: Fossils Found: Trace Fossils
Page 5: Fossils Found: Trilobites

Photos From Past Field Trips to Maysville, KY
September 2003

April 2001
April 2000

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